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美国政府:中国COVID-19 案件激增、请重新考虑前往中国

2023-10-08 16:40:05

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2022 年 12 月 23 日中国 - 第 3 级:重新考虑旅行


随 COVID-19 信息的更新重新发布。

由于 COVID-19 案件激增、当地法律的任意执行以及与 COVID-19 相关的限制,请重新考虑前往中华人民共和国(PRC),包括香港特别行政区(SAR)和澳门特别行政区的旅行 . 请参阅以下每个司法管辖区的具体风险和条件。 获得医疗服务,包括医院治疗和救护车服务,可能会延迟或受到限制。 提供商业交通选择。 由于不当拘留,在中国要更加谨慎。

美国政府正在密切监视 COVID-19 的情况,并可能会再次快速更改此指南以响应紧急问题。 请经常回来查看是否有任何更改。


中国、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区的旅行、检疫和检测要求以及 COVID-19 应对措施可能因地点而异。

所有前往中国大陆的旅客都应准备接受 COVID-19 检测,并在抵达后在政府指定的地点进行隔离。 前往澳门的旅客将被要求在指定酒店隔离五天。 在隔离期间,卫生当局将尽可能每天对旅客进行 COVID-19 检测,并且不允许旅客离开房间。 在此隔离期间测试呈阳性的旅客可能会被转移到政府指定的医疗机构。 护理、住宿、测试和治疗的标准可能与美国的标准有很大不同,包括可能存在不卫生或拥挤的条件、不合标准或有限的食物获取以及延迟获得医疗。

即使在抵达时完成任何检疫,前往中国(包括香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区)的旅客也可能面临额外的检疫、强制性检测、获得医疗服务的机会有限,以及由于 COVID-19 的大量需求而导致药物供应受限 价差。 在某些情况下,中国和香港特别行政区的儿童在抵达时测试呈阳性,已与父母分开并被隔离,直到他们满足当地的出院要求。

在确诊 COVID-19 病例的地区,限制措施可能包括限制在家中或转移到政府指定的检疫设施或医院。

请访问大使馆的 COVID-19 页面,了解有关 COVID-19 的更多信息以及中国大陆地区的相关限制和条件,或访问香港和澳门总领事馆的 COVID-19 页面,了解香港的 COVID-19 情况 香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区。

COVID-19 疫苗信息

该部门不向海外的美国公民提供直接医疗服务。 海外的美国公民可以在符合条件的情况下接种中国批准的疫苗剂量。

中国政府尚未授权在中国使用美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 批准的疫苗,包括在美国常见的辉瑞/BioNTech、Moderna 和强生产品。 有条件批准了十二种中国制造的疫苗; 居住在中国的任何外国人都可以使用这些服务。 最常见的两种药物 Sinopharm 和 Sinovac 尚未获得 FDA 的批准。 Sinopharm 和 Sinovac 已获得世界卫生组织 (WHO) 的紧急使用批准。

在香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,复星医药/BioNTech 的二价 mRNA 疫苗可供居民使用。 这种mRNA疫苗在澳门的等待时间长达一个多月。 有关可用疫苗的信息,请联系当地卫生当局。

访问 FDA 的网站,了解有关美国 FDA 批准的疫苗的更多信息。


尽管不再广泛使用封锁措施,但包括在香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区在内的封锁措施仍可能在没有引起注意的情况下发生。 封锁可能会持续很长时间,官员可能会指示人们不要离开特定的地区、大院或住宅。 官员可能会要求人们转移到隔离设施。 由于 COVID-19 的传播及其对劳动力的影响,杂货、送货和公共交通可能会中断。 医院可能排长队、超负荷或限制服务。 旅客应备有足够的水、食物和药物。



在中国(包括香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区)旅行或居住的美国公民可能会在无法获得美国领事服务或有关其涉嫌犯罪的信息的情况下被拘留。 在中国的美国公民可能会在未经正当法律程序的情况下受到长期审讯和长期拘留。

中国和香港特别行政区的外国人,包括但不限于商人、前外国政府人员和记者,因涉嫌违反中国国家安全法而受到中国官员的不公正审讯和拘留。 中国还审问、拘留和驱逐了在中国生活和工作的美国公民。







在大多数情况下,美国公民只有在试图离开中国时才会意识到出境禁令,而且没有可靠的机制或法律程序来查明禁令可能持续多久或在法庭上对其提出异议。 在中国接受调查的人的亲属,包括未成年子女,可能会受到出境禁令的约束。

中国、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区政府不承认双重国籍。 美国-中国公民和美国华裔公民可能会受到额外的审查和骚扰,中国、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区政府可能会阻止美国大使馆或美国总领事馆提供领事服务。


China Travel Advisory

Travel Advisory December 23, 2022

China - Level 3: Reconsider Travel


Reissued with updates to COVID-19 information.

Reconsider travel to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), including the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the Macau SAR, due to the surge in COVID-19 cases, arbitrary enforcement of local laws, and COVID-19-related restrictions. See specific risks and conditions in each jurisdiction below. Access to medical care, including treatment in hospitals and ambulance service, may be delayed or limited. Commercial transportation options are available. Exercise increased caution in the PRC due to wrongful detentions.

The U.S. government is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and may change this guidance again quickly in response to emergent concerns. Please check back frequently for any changes.

Quarantine and Testing

PRC, Hong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR travel, quarantine, and testing requirements and COVID-19 response measures may change or vary across locations.

All travelers to mainland PRC should prepare to be tested for COVID-19 and to quarantine at a government-designated location upon arrival. Travelers to Macau will be required to quarantine in a designated hotel for five days.  While in quarantine, health authorities will test travelers as often as daily for COVID-19 and will not permit travelers to leave their rooms. Travelers who test positive during this quarantine time may be transferred to a government-designated medical facility. Standards of care, accommodations, testing, and treatments may differ considerably from standards in the United States, including the possibility of unsanitary or crowded conditions, substandard or limited access to food, and delayed access to medical treatment. 

Even after completing any quarantine on arrival, travelers to the PRC, including the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, may face additional quarantines, mandatory testing, limited access to medical services, and a constrained supply of medications due to heavy demand as COVID-19 spreads. In some cases, children in the PRC and the Hong Kong SAR who test positive on arrival have been separated from their parents and kept in isolation until they meet local hospital discharge requirements.

In areas with confirmed COVID-19 cases, restrictions may include being confined at home or moved to a government-designated quarantine facility or hospital.

Visit the Embassy's COVID-19 page for more information on COVID-19 and related restrictions and conditions in the mainland areas of the PRC, or the Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau's COVID-19 page for information on the COVID-19 situation in the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

The Department does not provide direct medical care to private U.S. citizens abroad. U.S. citizens overseas may receive PRC-approved vaccine doses where they are eligible.  

The PRC government has not authorized the use of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved vaccines in China, including the Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson products commonly found in the United States. It has conditionally authorized twelve PRC-made vaccines; these are available to any foreign national residing in China. The two most commonly available, Sinopharm and Sinovac, have not yet received approval by the FDA. Sinopharm and Sinovac have received approval for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO).

In Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, a bivalent mRNA vaccine by Fosun Pharma/BioNTech is available to residents. The wait time for this mRNA vaccine in Macau is over one month long. Please contact local health authorities for information on available vaccines.

Visit the FDA’s website to learn more about FDA-approved vaccines in the United States.


Although the use of lockdowns is no longer widely practiced, they, including in the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, may still occur with little notice.  Lockdowns may last for extended periods and officials may instruct people not to leave specific districts, compounds, or residences. Officials may require people to transfer to a quarantine facility. Due to the spread of COVID-19 and its effect on the workforce, groceries, deliveries, and public transportation may be disrupted. Hospitals may have long lines, become overloaded, or restrict services. Travelers should have sufficient water, food, and medication on hand. 

Country Summary: The PRC government arbitrarily enforces local laws, including carrying out wrongful detentions and using exit bans on U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries without fair and transparent process under the law.

The Department has determined that at least one U.S. national is wrongfully detained by the PRC government.

U.S. citizens traveling or residing in the PRC, including the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, may be detained without access to U.S. consular services or information about their alleged crime. U.S. citizens in the PRC may be subjected to prolonged interrogations and extended detention without due process of law.

Foreigners in the PRC and the Hong Kong SAR, including but not limited to businesspeople, former foreign government personnel, and journalists have been unjustly interrogated and detained by PRC officials for alleged violations of PRC national security laws. The PRC has also interrogated, detained, and expelled U.S. citizens living and working in the PRC.

Security personnel may detain and/or deport U.S. citizens for sending private electronic messages critical of the PRC, Hong Kong SAR, or Macau SAR governments.

In addition, the PRC government has used restrictions on travel or departure from the PRC, or so-called exit bans, to: compel individuals to participate in PRC government investigations,pressure family members of the restricted individual to return to the PRC from abroad,resolve civil disputes in favor of PRC citizens, andgain bargaining leverage over foreign governments.

In most cases, U.S. citizens only become aware of an exit ban when they attempt to depart the PRC, and there is no reliable mechanism or legal process to find out how long the ban might continue or to contest it in a court of law. Relatives, including minor children, of those under investigation in the PRC, may become subject to an exit ban. 

The PRC, Hong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR governments do not recognize dual nationality. U.S.-PRC citizens and U.S. citizens of Chinese descent may be subject to additional scrutiny and harassment, and the PRC, Hong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR governments may prevent the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate General from providing consular services.


Extra security measures, such as security checks and increased levels of police presence, are common in the Xinjiang Uyghur and Tibet Autonomous Regions. Authorities may impose curfews and travel restrictions on short notice


Since the imposition of the National Security Law on June 30, 2020, the PRC unilaterally and arbitrarily exercises police and security power in the Hong Kong SAR. The PRC has demonstrated an intention to use this authority to target a broad range of activities it defines as acts of secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign entities. The National Security Law also covers offenses committed by non-Hong Kong residents or organizations outside of Hong Kong, which could subject U.S. citizens who have been publicly critical of the PRC to a heightened risk of arrest, detention, expulsion, or prosecution. PRC security forces, including the new Office for Safeguarding National Security, now operate in the Hong Kong SAR and are not subject to oversight by the Hong Kong judiciary.

Demonstrations: Participating in demonstrations or any other activities that authorities interpret as constituting an act of secession, subversion, terrorism, or collusion with a foreign country could result in criminal charges. U.S. citizens are strongly cautioned to be aware of their surroundings and avoid demonstrations.

Propaganda: A PRC propaganda campaign has falsely accused individuals, including U.S. citizens, of fomenting unrest in the Hong Kong SAR. In some cases, the campaign has published their personal information, resulting in threats of violence on social media.

Read the country information page for the PRC, the information page for the Hong Kong SAR, and the information page for the Macau SAR for additional information on travel.

If you decide to travel to the PRC, including the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR:

Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before planning any international travel, read the Embassy COVID-19 page for the PRC and the Consulate General COVID-19 page for the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR for specific COVID-19 information.For the Hong Kong SAR, monitor local media, local transportations sites and apps like MTR Mobile or CitybusNWFB, and the Hong Kong International Airport website for updates.Avoid demonstrations.Exercise caution in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.Avoid taking photographs of protesters or police without permission.Be aware of your surroundings.Keep a low profile.For the Hong Kong SAR, review your Hong Kong flight status with your airline or at the Hong Kong International Airport website.Enter the PRC on your U.S. passport with a valid PRC visa and keep it with you.If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy or the nearest consulate immediately.If you plan to enter the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), read the DPRK Travel Advisory. Travelers should note that U.S. passports are not valid for travel to, in, or through the DPRK, unless they are specially validated by the Department of State.Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. Follow the U.S. Embassy on Twitter, WeChat, and Weibo. Follow U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau on Facebook and Twitter.Review the Country Security Report for the PRC, the Hong Kong SAR, and the Macau SAR.Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist.

Travel Advisory Levels

Information for Vaccinated Travelers

The CDC's latest guidance on international travel for vaccinated people can be found here.

Assistance for U.S. Citizens

U.S. Embassy Beijing

No. 55 An Jia Lou Road Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600 China


+(86)(10) 8531-4000


+(86)(10) 8531-4000


+(86)(10) 8531-3300




U.S. Embassy Beijing


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